Mersin Unıversıty Education Policy

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Education Policy

Understanding and Philosophy

Mersin University's approach to education processes is based on an understanding that attaches importance to student-centered education, sees social development as a part of its work, produces competitive knowledge within the framework of ethical values with the participation of all stakeholders, also sensitive to nature and aware of cultural values, and presents what it produces with scientific studies and research for the benefit of society, accepts regional and national development and sustainable development as priority and aims to contribute within the framework of internationalization.

Mersin University adopts an integrative education philosophy that takes students' interests and needs into account, allows them to specialize in line with their preferences, makes them participate in the teaching process and makes them think about the solution of problems.


Mersin University;

1)     aims to be distinguished as an institution that provides education in accordance with local, regional, national and global priorities by making use of modern educational techniques and tools.

2)     aims to graduate libertarian, creative and entrepreneurial individuals who have  a mission to contribute to science, artistic production and technological developments in the light of free thinking and social responsibility, who have also developed research and problem-solving skills, have international competencies, respect ethical and professional objectivity, open to multidisciplinary approaches.

3)     within the framework of the Quality Management System, it aims to be effective, efficient and competitive in the fields of scientific research and social service, to focus on superior performance, to implement a curriculum that has adopted continuous improvement with its stakeholders targeting at international recognition and reputation.

4)     aims to incorporate a constructive and creative instructor who has the knowledge and skills required by the teaching processes, has the belief of lifelong learning, guides students, produces knowledge and solves problems, shares what she/he learn, respects human rights and who is responsible to society.

5)     uses an assessment and evaluation method that will handle learning outcomes together, without separating them from process skills, in order to establish success and results in a correct, fair and consistent manner.

6)     It is based on the principles and practices of qualifications and accreditation in accordance with international quality standards in education programs. It aims to exchange students and academic staff, increase the number of distinguished international students and attach importance to internationalization.

7)     Through the PDCA (Plan-Do-Check-Act) cycle, which is one of the main elements of quality assurance in education and training processes, it carefully carries out the level of students' reaching the program competencies and their satisfaction levels, thus aiming to spread the quality culture.

8)     develops lifelong education programs with the belief that it is a fundamental right for individuals of all ages to have access to self-renewal tools, eliminates possible problems in the learning process through distance education materials, and by creating alternative environments that will increase dialogue between stakeholders, it aims to make educational quality, teaching values and effectiveness uninterrupted. 

  • 2020-11-11 15:32:12
  • 4586